Duquesne University Symposium
Renaldy J. Gutierrez’s Keynote Speaker remarks at Duquesne University Symposium on the “Separation of Power in the Americas… And Beyond” published in Duquesne Law Review. The most recent volume of Duquesne University Law Review (Volume 47. Number 4, Fall 2009) carries an article written by Renaldy J. Gutierrez, entitled “Democracy and the Rule of Law: […]
Inter-American Bar Association
Renaldy J. Gutierrez to head the Inter-American Bar Association Mission of Observers to the general elections in Honduras. The Inter-American Bar Association (IABA), from Washington D.C accepted the invitation from the Honduran Supreme Electoral Tribunal and from the Honduran Bar Association to appoint a Mission of Observers to the November 29, 2009 general elections in […]